Should You Avoid Feeding Nuts to Your Dog?

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By, Surabhi Ashok

Whether they are toxic or just unhealthy, nuts should not be fed to dogs for various reasons. For one, most nuts, being high in fat, lead to obesity and potentially fatal pancreatitis for dogs. Look out for repeated vomiting, weakness, a hunched back, a bloated stomach, and a fever, as these are all signs of the illness. Additionally, salted nuts can cause dehydration, and dogs can choke on bigger nuts like almonds.
Some nuts, such as pecans, macadamia nuts, and walnuts, also prove toxic to dogs. Macadamia nuts are especially dangerous. Ingesting it can lead to Macadamia Nut Toxicosis, an affliction consisting of vomiting, hyperthermia, depression and other neurological changes in dogs. While the effects are usually mild, pet owners should still be careful. Additionally, pecans, walnuts, and hickories can cause seizures.
Not only would you not want your dog to be in pain, veterinary treatment to help these nut-induced ailments are very expensive. On an average, treatment for seizures costs $526 and treatment for pancreatitis costs $785.
However, do not panic if your dog eats a few peanuts and cashews. While it is safe as long as they are in small quantities, remember that the nuts are still high in fat and should not be a regular part of the dog’s meal. In fact, it would be advised to just avoid feeding nuts to your dog altogether in order to maintain their prime health.
There are other food items that should not be ingested by dogs as well. For one, keep chocolate out of the reach of your canine friend. Large amounts of it can stop a dog’s metabolic process and cause seizures, heart problems, and death. Garlic is also very dangerous. It can cause anemia, which then results in a high heart rate and fatigue. Cinnamon and ice cream should also be avoided.
Contact your veterinarian or call the Pet Poison Hotline (855-764-7661) immediately if any of the mentioned items are fed to your dog.