Free copies of Monmouth County’s Ask The Doctor Magazine are available at various locations throughout Central New Jersey. You can find our publication in Physician offices, Fitness Centers, Medi-Spa’s, Salons, Senior Communities, High traffic resturant where assorted media is distributed for people pick-up and more. If you would like a more detailed area to pick up close to your home or office, please call 732.995.3456.
Our main form of distribution is DIRECT MAIL. We deliver bi-monthly to the wealthiest of zips in various towns in Monmouth County. These exact towns and zip codes include; Morganville, Marlboro, Manalapan, Englishtown, Freehold, North Howell, Colts Neck, Holmdel, Eatontown, Middletown, Tinto Falls,and Wall.
For our Princeton Ask the Doctor Magazine, our main form of distribution is DIRECT MAIL. We deliver bi-monthly to the wealthiest of zips in various towns. These exact towns and zip codes include;Princeton, Skillman, Plainsboro, West Windsor/Princeton Junction, Lawrenceville , Robbinsville, Hamilton and Trenton. Our total mailing is to 23,051 homes and 1,182 businesses, The total direct mail is 24,233 pieces.