The Woodbridge Figurines

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By, Surabhi AshokIn the late 1960s, over 100 wooden sculptures were found in an abandoned shack near an old clay mine in Woodbridge, New Jersey.These figurines, ranging in sizes of 3 to 9 inches, are carved in great detail, from the anatomy to each individual face. Most are armless and have a hole in their … Continued

Meet Trish Bogusz

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Central New Jersey Educator Nominated for National LifeChanger of the Year AwardMillstone Middle School Principal Dr. Trish Bogusz has been nominated for the 2022-23 National LifeChanger of the Year award. Sponsored by the National Life Group Foundation, LifeChanger of the Year recognizes and rewards the very best K-12 educators and school district employees across the … Continued


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By John Bazzurro A lot of my clients ask me whether or not they can be responsible for serving alcohol to their guests. The short answer in the State of New Jersey is “yes.” New Jersey has a “social host” liability statute (N.J.S.A. 2A: 15-5.6) which allows people to sue for property damage or personal … Continued

QUESTION: What is Optomap retinal imaging?

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ANSWER: The optomap ultra-widefield retinal image is a unique technology that captures more than 80% of your retina in one panoramic image while traditional imaging methods typically only show 15% of your retina at one time. Your retina (located in the back of your eye) is the only place in the body where blood vessels … Continued

Monroe Township High School-Senior Spotlight:
Jason Chin

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This special graduating senior needs no introduction. Jason Chin, this year’s valedictorian, is graduating with the highest GPA in MTHS history and is constantly praised by students and staff alike. In between the workload of the 5 AP courses he’s taking this year, Chin enjoys playing board games and watching Spy x Family. He has … Continued

Monroe Township High School-Senior Spotlight: Bryce Addeo

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By, Nazli Mohadeen Bryce Addeo recently won the senior superlative Best All Around, and for good reason. He’s a three season varsity athlete, in the top 10 of his graduating class, and heavily involved in extracurriculars. He’s incredibly interested in all things fitness and wellness-related. Addeo enjoys lifting weights with friends, cooking, going to the … Continued

Monroe Township High School-Senior Spotlight: Sukrut Oak

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By, Nazli MohadeenIf you told Sukrut Oak four years ago that he’d graduate high school during a worldwide crisis, much less as his class’ salutatorian and with an admission in hand to Stanford University, he likely wouldn’t believe you. In between watching reruns of his so-called comfort show The Office and snacking on Taco Bell, … Continued

Legal Preparation For The Sale of Your Home

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By John Bazzurro I am writing this article to provide an overview of what actually occurs in a residential real estate transaction in the State of New Jersey from both the buyer’s and the seller’s perspective. In New Jersey, typically the contract is prepared by one of the real estate agents. This is a little … Continued

The Millstone Times’ Student of the Month, Holden Rheinhardt

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Six-year-old, Holden Rheinhardt, goes to the Millstone Township Primary School.He loves to go to school and play with his friends. He likes going to recess and lunch, then coming home and sharing his day with his family.His favorite subject is science. He really liked making a large volcano with his class that shot lava out.His … Continued

The Book Smart Project

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By Pam Teel Tasha Toth and her husband, Kevin, both of Roosevelt, to date, have collected and donated over 18,000 children’s books to lower income families, school districts, and other organizations in need of books across the state of New Jersey and abroad. As a child, Tasha had always loved reading a new book and … Continued