God Loves You More Than You Will Ever Know!

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By Richard Mabey Jr. It is when we feel defeated, down-trodden, saddened, or depressed, is just the time that we need to dig deep within ourselves, to bounce back with a greater inner strength. No matter how dismal things may look, the one thing that none of us can afford to do, is to give … Continued


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BY JOHN BAZZURRO As indicated on our website, there are numerous charges that are heard in the Municipal Courts in the State of New Jersey. These range from low level motor vehicle violations such as going through a stop sign, careless driving, failure to maintain your lane and other charges that generally carry very low … Continued

Transition to Adulthood: What Happens Legally When My Child Turns 18?

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As parents, we witness our children’s journey from infancy to adolescence, guiding them through life’s milestones along the way. Yet, one of the most significant transitions occurs when our children turn 18, marking their entry into legal adulthood. With this milestone comes a shift in rights and responsibilities, both for them and for us as … Continued

Juneteenth: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

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By Liz Clearman Juneteenth pops up on the calendar each year on June 19th (hence the name combining “June” and “19th”), and I’d venture to guess that most people are at least vaguely aware that it has something to do with slavery and emancipation. However, did you know that it officially marks the day — … Continued

I Remember Dad: Dad’s Talks of Encrougement

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By Richard Mabey Jr. Now at the age of 70 and battling Severe Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, I have become acutely aware that each and every day of our lives, is a most precious gift from God. It is not to be squandered nor spent in foolish pursuits. But rather, each day should be filled with purpose … Continued

The Underground Railroad

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By Pam Teel The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses that were established in the United States during the early to mid-19th century. Its purpose was to help enslaved African Americans escape from the southern states, where they were held in bondage, to get to the northern states and also … Continued

Does 15 Minutes Really Save you 15%on Car Insurance?

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By John Bazzurro The purpose of this article is to inform the public about a phenomena that I have come across in my personal injury practice concerning the “bargain” automobile insurance companies that advertise “discounted” insurance rates. Did you ever wonder how these “bargain” insurance companies allow consumers to save “15% or more” on car … Continued