Juneteenth: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

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By Liz Clearman Juneteenth pops up on the calendar each year on June 19th (hence the name combining “June” and “19th”), and I’d venture to guess that most people are at least vaguely aware that it has something to do with slavery and emancipation. However, did you know that it officially marks the day — … Continued

Coming Together for the Greater Good

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this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day By, YMCA of Western Monmouth County For over 20 years, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service has encouraged individuals to volunteer their time to improve their communities. That spirit of community service can be a rallying point to heal our differences through a common cause, as giving … Continued

Top Ten Things You Never Knew About Camp

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Camp has become a staple of the summer season. Each year, millions of children, youth, and adults head to the hills, lakes, valleys, and parks to participate in the time-honored tradition of camp. And, while most people easily conjure up images of campfires and canoes, there is a lot more to the camp experience. Here … Continued

Why Kids Want FC Sportika Academy

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If your child is of school age and likes sports, chances are they are eating, sleeping and breathing soccer. Playing it…watching the World Cup…discussing famous players. This is nothing new; soccer has been a long term rage throughout the world. It is a great team sport and has sent many a child to college for … Continued

Give Kids a Break Enjoy Time Off with a Vacation at a Summer Camp

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Summer camps can be a great way for your kids and grandkids to relax and unwind after a hard year at school.  Those camps can provide fun, interesting things to see and do, and the best kinds of learning experiences. At summer camp, kids can get back to nature, hike through the woods, learn how … Continued