QUESTION: Many of my teeth are not in good condition for various reasons. What are some of my options to allow me to smile and eat with no difficulty?

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It is important to keep in mind that teeth can become non- restorable for various reasons. Initially, one thinks of decay and periodontal (gum disease) issues as the cause. In many cases, these two issues can effect teeth that are natural, with or without fillings / crowns on them. Trauma or grinding of teeth can also cause potential loss of teeth.

Regardless of the reason, loosing teeth can create many esthetic and functional problems for most people. For the purpose of this article, I will focus on complete loss of teeth in either the entire upper or lower arch.

When someone looses all the teeth in an arch, several treatment options are now available. Many people think that dentures are the necessary treatment, but today that is not the case. Dental implants can be utilized in many combinations. The most discussed treatment option for complete arch restorations involve immediate implant placement and insertion of teeth in one day.

This technique requires the placement of four to six implants followed by a single unit set of teeth.

In my practice I place a minimum of six implants for better stability. After the implants are in their prescribed position, the prosthesis is retro-fitted onto the implants and verification of alignment is made. Most patients are both pleased and amazed with the results they see.

It is important to keep in mind, the clinical treatment can take place in one visit, but there needs to be a few appointments prior to the surgical day to take the necessary impressions and gather all the necessary clinical date. Each patient’s pre-treament condition will determine the number of presurgical appointments.

For the next few months a modified diet is followed since the implants can not be placed under heavy chewing function. The details of the diet will be discussed prior to treatment. After about 4-5 months the final prosthesis is fabricated to give you your new beautiful smile and wonderful chewing ability.

If you have any questions regarding full arch dental treatment, feel free to contact my office for a complementary consultation and CT scan.

David p. Young, DMD, DICOI
4432 Route 27, CN-201, Kingston, NJ 08528
Phone: 609.497.0808