Transient Global Amnesia

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By Lauren Kolacki Transient Global Amnesia is a less common condition characterized by sudden onset of temporary memory loss and confusion. During an episode, an individual can become severely disoriented, forgetting where they are and how they got there. In most cases, the person experiencing this condition will remember who they are and recognize their … Continued

Meningitis at College

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Did you know between 100 and 125 cases occur on college campuses every year? 5 to 15 college students die each year as a result. Cases among teenagers and young adults have more than doubled since 1991. The frequency of outbreaks has risen at U.S. colleges and universities during the 1990’s. What is meningitis? Meningitis … Continued

Vitamin K, the Anti-Aging Supplement

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By Lauren Kolacki As we get older, we become more familiar with our bodies, and more familiar with the idea of them changing against our control. Our bone density decreases causing us to become weaker, move slower, and be at a higher risk for breaking a bone. Our brain cells deteriorate, which slows down our … Continued

Our Postpartum Truth – In Her Words : My Support System

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By: Michele Inzelbuch, LCSW, LCDAC Women who suffer from Postpartum Depression or Anxiety often feel alone, isolated or ashamed. Watching friends or family members reveling in the joy newborns bring can intensify these emotions in a struggling mom. Many hospitals, including those in Monmouth County, conduct the Edinburgh evaluation that identifies PPD/A symptoms, prior to … Continued

Sharing Genes with Friends 

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By Susan Heckler Scientists from University of California-San Diego and Yale have found that we are genetically similar to our friends more so than we are to strangers of the same population. Their findings suggest that our social networks also play an important role in human evolution, in addition to our physical and biological environment. … Continued