Finding the Time to Bike

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Physical fitness tops the list of benefits that come with riding your bike, as research links improved cardiovascular health to biking.

Regular cycling also can help protect you from serious diseases such as obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis.

Cycling is low impact on your joints and gives you a well-rounded muscle workout. It also is great for improving your strength, stamina and overall aerobic fitness. Finding the time or the motivation to jump on a bike can be a challenge, however, for many people.

Make it Fun

One of the best ways to enjoy cycling is to make it a leisurely activity. Odds are there are safe hilly areas or designated recreational spots in your area that can be perfect for an afternoon on your bike.

Even though cycling does require the purchase of a bike, it is an otherwise low-cost way to stay in great shape, as you need only yourself and a safe course to enjoy yourself.

Bike to Work Week

If you need some help being inspired to ride your bike to work, make it a group activity. The
average North American bicycle commuter is a 39-year-old male professional with a household income in excess of $45,000, according to a survey published in the Journal of the Transportation Research Board. But anyone can choose to make their trip to work more physically beneficial.

Tips & Safety

To make sure you arrive at your destination safely, follow these tips from the League of American Bicyclists:

  • Always wear a helmet to protect your head in the event of a crash;
  • Obey all top signs, traffic lights and lane markings;
  • Look before you change lanes or signal a turn;
  • Wear bright clothing; and
  • Check the forecast.